NexTran PRO normally costs $149.99 / Year. But I’m happy to let you know you can get it 100% FREE. Choose 1 or more of the simple and quick mechanics below πŸ‘‡


  1. Tell your viewers why they should try NexTran
  2. Show them the top 3-5 features you like
  3. Invite your viewers to download it via
    1. Tell them it’s FREE and available on Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, and the Web

Option 1: Blog about it

Simply write an article about NexTran with the above mechanics ☝️. Please include a few screenshots or embedded videos. You can use my other FREE app to create beautiful screenshots for this. After your article is published, send us the link to it via email at [email protected] then wait for us to review and send your FREE NexTran PRO License. 😊

Option 2: TikTok / YouTube / Shorts / FB / Instagram Reels

Simply create a 30-60 second video about NexTran with the above mechanics ☝️. If you finally reach the threshold πŸ‘‡ Send us the link to your video via email at [email protected] then wait for us to review and send your FREE NexTran PRO License. 😊

Option 3: Post on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

Simply post a photo/video (with a caption) about NexTran with the above mechanics ☝️. You can use my other FREE app to create beautiful screenshots for this. If you finally reach the threshold πŸ‘‡ Send us the link to your post via email at [email protected] then wait for us to review and send your FREE NexTran PRO License. 😊

Simple and easy, right? We hope you’ll join this and receive your FREE NexTran PRO License! β™₯️

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